Utolsó kommentek

  • Fari: tudom peti kösz az infókat csak tudod semmi kedvem nem volt kijavítgatni miután már tárgytalanná v... (2009.11.05. 19:53) angol előadás
  • spyke: sajnos nem nyertek meg a fiuk a vb-t, "csak" harmadikak lettek... (2009.11.05. 01:42) angol előadás
  • citromosjegestea: :):) Ügyi! Mókás! (2009.10.29. 13:57) Várjátékok 2009
  • Fari: ki vagy te? nem biztos hogy olvasod ezt de talán az e-mail címed sem ismerős (2009.09.29. 17:53) .
  • Kagai: A házi thx. (2009.09.29. 16:52) .
  • bbbbalint: köszkösz (2009.06.09. 16:16) biosz a bálintnak
  • Fari: ott van nem látod?? (2009.06.03. 15:06) matek
  • jama999: És hol a Thálész tétel meg a bizonyítása? (2009.06.02. 16:05) matek
  • k@szi: Lehet, hogy egy kicsit félreérthetően fogalmaztam... bocs szerintem is neked van igazad Fari, nem ... (2009.04.23. 18:07) Angol fordításos házi
  • Gracz0: Teljes mértékben egyetértünk veled Fari, és még szeretünk is érte!!(Sipi biztos) Mi se csicskulu... (2009.04.23. 16:51) Angol fordításos házi
  • Utolsó 20


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Medicine man

2008.10.14. 16:53 :: Fari

Medicine man

It wasn’t the best film what I’ve ever seen. It wasn’t so exciting and there aren’t so much scary or thrilling parts in it. It was a story about a scientist who was in the jungle. He looked for the solution for the cancer. He was alone and he wanted an assistant, he wanted a male one, but his bosses sent a female assistant him, and he thought it can be a disadvantage of the searching. But in the midst of the movie, his opinion changed and they could work with each other.

They lived in the village of the natives, and their small laboratory was there too. It was in the jungle, when nobody else didn’t disturb. But one day, there was the end of the happy life. The two scientists were near of the solution to their problem, there were some people who wanted to build a road across the jungle. They got 24 hours and if they could do this they’ll be lucky, because the bulldozers started their job.

But when they got the solution the bulldozers were too near, and they destroyed the village and the ants too which carried the remedy of the cancer.

Sean Connery the male scientist was very upset, and he went with the natives to find the remedy again.      

The women became the leader of this think-tank, and she helped his friend with a new mobile laboratory with the most modern computers.

I think it wasn’t a good film, because nobody enjoy it. I hope the next will be a little bit more exciting, but it wasn’t the worst one.


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Címkék: angol házik

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