Actually I don’t think there’s any traditional Hungarian sports, but we’re so good in some. Just think about the Olympic Games. Hungarian sportsmen and women are very successful here. We took part in the Summer Olympic Games for the first time in 1896. Once we nearly can arrange…
Nemzeti Jellegzetességek Habár, a britek nem egy nemzetiségűek, de négy, akik mind máshogy látják egymást. Az angoloknak a Wales-iek egy sokkal bőbeszédűbb társaság, mint maguk, és valóban Wales sok prédikátort és szakszervezet vezetőt termel…
Johnny English This film was about a man (Rowan Atkinson), who was a spy at the police. His behaviour was the same in the MR. Bean. He was the silliest member of the police, and he always was in trouble with his compeer.…
Medicine man It wasn’t the best film what I’ve ever seen. It wasn’t so exciting and there aren’t so much scary or thrilling parts in it. It was a story about a scientist who was in the jungle. He looked for the solution for the cancer. He was alone and he wanted an…
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